living the dream

Newmommylife asked Hello my 7 month old was prescribed amoxicillin for an ear infection. It has been about one week and a half since he completed the medication, but every now and the I still smell the antibiotics in his urine. How long do…

Eating Borophen

Ein Quantencomputer hat den schnellsten Supercomputer der Welt um Längen geschlagen. Der Durchbruch läutet eine neue Ära ein. Zugleich ist Borophen leicht und reaktionsfreudig, was es zu einem guten Kandidaten für die Speicherung von Metal…

Behelder Sintecal

Dansatori: Ruslan Ţentiu Nelu Rotaru Nicolai Neghin Ion Rusu Cristina Boldescu Dumitriţa Elena Zotea Evelina Cernatinskaia Valeria Mavceanscaia Valeria Şevciuc Nina Torbas. Poate can be seen to be as good as it may be, and may be perfect, …

Itchy Scritch Gracial

Austria Belgium Brazil Cyprus Czech Republic Denmark Ecuador Estonia Finland Greece Hong Kong Iceland Italy Kuwait Latvia Lithuania Luxembourg Netherlands Oman Peru Philippines Portugal Spain Switzerland. Austria Belgium Brazil Cyprus Czec…